Trio 92 on 3rd Place and at the Winners Concert we will have the performance of the two percussion groups that shared the 2nd Prize of the competition
After the Final of the Senior Category held during today at Cine-Teatro de Alcobaça – João d’Oliva Monteiro, the Jury decided not to assign the 1st Prize of the 3rd International Chamber Music Competition “Cidade de Alcobaça” (CIMCA).
Yet, on the 2ndPlace (Prize with the value of € 2000) we had two percussion groups, ex-aequo: Pulsat Percussion Group (Portugal) and Fussion Percussion Duo (Espanha), having Trio 92 (with members from Poland and Greece) on the 3rd position (Prize with the value of € 1000).
This way, Pulsat Percussion Group and Fussion Percussion Duo joins Incertus Trios, 1st Prize in the Junior Category, also performing in CIMCA’s last day, November 1, concerts that will be held during the Awards Ceremony and Winners Concert, by 21:00 pm, at Cine-Teatro de Alcobaça – João d’Oliva Monteiro.