Message from the Artistic Director reveals new international partnership


Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival (South Africa) will receive in 2014 the winner of the Senior Category

António Rosa (Diretor Artístico)

Among the usual words of welcome addressed to all those interested in participating in the third edition of the International Chamber Music Competition “Cidade de Alcobaça” (CIMCA), António Rosa, Artistic Director of this competition, reveals in his message the achievement of a new international partnership of “higher relevance” that he also calls as “one more step” in the course of the competition since it began in 2009.

In that sense, the Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival (South Africa) will receive in 2014 the winner of the Senior Category, fulfilling the “goal of Internationalization” always sought by the Direction that ensures aspire for more to the winners in the future.

“This is our brand, our nature, allowing international cultural exchange to be constant and a reality for those who choose to participate in CIMCA”, adds António Rosa that finally has a special thanks to everyone who keeps supporting CIMCA (Municipality of Alcobaça, Fundação Inatel and Centro Cultural de Belém) and to the partners of this latest edition (AVA-Musical Editions, Percustudio and Buffet-Crampon, Paris).

Read the entire Message of Artistic Director here »